Zwol is an online comic strip. A new Zwol strip appears... well, it's sort of on hiatus at the moment. For the first 10 weeks, there was an extra strip on Saturdays, but now the Saturday slot is sometimes occupied by the No Contest comics or Reiterating Comics comics. There are no updates on Sundays.
What is Zwol about? Hmmm... Well, it's about whatever I want it to be about. Since that much is plainly obvious, let me add this: Zwol is about two normal people, Kate and Selby, and the things that happen to them. Sometimes, it's about the things that DON'T happen to them. Am I too vague? Zwol is hard for me to sum up, because it crosses many genres and varies in tone from silly to serious. It's going to be interesting.
From the Main Menu bar you may choose:
Zwol has a menu bar at the top of each page. (Take a look- it's up there right now!) Whereas I think this is very easy to understand and use, I may be wrong, so here is a brief tour:
The menu bar has a logo and 3-tiers: The Main Menu; the Sub-Menu; and the Status Bar.
The Zwol Logo always takes you to the Zwol index page.
The Main Menu always shows Zwol's main areas (see above).
The Sub-Menu changes to show additional pages that exist within each of Zwol's main areas.
The Status Bar shows your location within Zwol's menu structure with appropriate links back to more general pages.